Compass Seminars

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Compass Seminars is thrilled to announce two, brand new, live broadcast webinars for 2024. 'Triple Trouble' with the highly regarded US clinical psychologist, author, and speaker Dr. Jon Baylin and 'Connections Over Compliance' with influential US educationalist, academic, and author Dr Lori Desautels.

See below for more information....

Triple Trouble
A Brain-Based Model for Working with Developmental Trauma

‘Triple Trouble’ refers to a child’s loss of a sense of safety, fragmentation of the sense of self, and suppression of a sense of hope for the future which result from experiences of early life adversity and/or trauma. Dr. Baylin will explore each of these developmental processes and discuss how such experience impacts brain development and functioning. He will then shift the focus to exploring a collection of promising contemporary interventions which are thought to have a role in “resetting” the balance of core brain networks to support recovery. >Read More...

Connections Over Compliance
Rewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline

Children who carry chronic behavioral challenges are often responded to with reactive and punitive practices that can potentially reactivate the developing stress response systems. Discipline isn’t only responsive (occurring after a child’s negative behavior) and it’s definitely not punishment. Discipline is developing proactive practices to help children become more connected to themselves, each other, and to adults. The developing brains of our children need to "feel" safe in order to function and perform. When we are dysregulated, our brains can not respond to words, lectures, consequences, or rewards. >Read More..

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