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Books and Resources

He Kete Whakataukī

Drawing on Māori Narratives and Values to Support Purposeful Conversations
By Leisa Moorhouse


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He Kete Whakatauki is a tool to aid focused conversations using Maori narratives and values. It is hoped that this tool will help draw out and utilise the strengths and resources within individuals, whanau, hapu, teams and communities.

He Kete Whakatauki contains 30 whakatauki cards grouped into broad categories supporting a practice approach: Taumahatanga (Difficulty); Whakawhiti Korero (Communication); Mahitahi (Collaboration); Whakamahere (Strategy); Tuakiri (Identity), and Hauora (Wellbeing).

Each card includes a panel "He Whakaaro" (thoughts) to stimulate ideas of possible meanings. A booklet provokes further consideration through "Hei tauira" (examples) which offer possible prompts to guide conversations.

This resource is suitable for practitioners at all experience levels for whanau, and for groups and is applicable in a range of settings. It can also be used with a variety of practice models.