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Stones...Have Feelings Too!

52 Laminated, Full-Colour Cards
By Innovative Resources


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For building a "feelings" vocabulary.

Describing feelings is at the heart of emotional literacy and therapeutic work. Meet 52 happy, sad, afraid, shy, joyful and just plain outrageous stone characters. Each card features a delightful stone character brimming with personality and wearing a different expression. 

There are no words on the front of the cards so a user is free to interpret the feeling portrayed by the character without the defining nature of words. On the back of each card, however, are three possible words to help build a vocabulary for describing the emotion expressed. Sometimes people interpret feelings very differently. For example, is the stone "purposeful" or "bossy" or...? You decide! These rollicking stone characters prove what anyone who has ever carried a stone around in their pocket knows... stones have feelings too!

  • At the beginning of a meeting/workshop invite each participant to select a card for how they are feeling. Then a card for how they would like to be feeling by the end of the event. Check in at the end.
  • Choose 2 cards - one shows a feeling you are comfortable with. The other shows a feeling that is difficult/unfamiliar. Let these two stone characters have a dialogue. Write it down and share in pairs.
  • Select 3 cards. Look at the words on the back. Brainstorm a list of other possible words.
  • What is "adventurous" to one person, is "foolhardy" to another. Can you put any pairs of cards together showing this difference of interpretation?