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Books and Resources

The Values Cards

Powerful Agents Of Change
By QCards


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Our values are what we hold as precious to us. They are a preference or an internal reference point for what we believe is good, right and important. They are like a compass that can keep us on course. They influence our attitudes and behaviour. They guide our approach to life and relationships. They inform our way forward through the many choices we are offered every day, as we react and interact with others and situations.

Mostly we act in accordance with our values to maintain a sense of well-being. But often our values are compromised by circumstances or events and we do things that don’t feel right. When we do things that are at odds with our values, we feel uncomfortable. Living in a situation where it is a constant struggle to act according to our values can cause stress, anxiety and depression.

Being able to align our lives with our values helps us make important decisions and feel grounded and focused. It inevitably leads to more happiness, achievement and contentment. At a team or organisational level, shared values keep the members focused on achieving their outcomes

The Values Cards can assist individuals, couples, teams and organisations to explore what is truly important in life, their relationships or work. This exploration can help clarify core values and inspire positive changes. The Values Cards Instruction Book has activities suitable for:

  • Exploring your Own Values – finding out what really matters
  • Exploring Other People’s Values in Therapy – for individuals and couples
  • Finding your Team’s/Organisation’s Values – developing a shared vision for future success
  • Values In and Out of the Classroom – for teachers and for exploring values with students

The activities assist in uncovering core values and pose questions for contemplation and discussion.

Each of the 53 values represented on the cards has been carefully chosen following testing in various settings. The words are deliberately open to individual interpretation to cover the broadest possible range of values within a user-friendly set of cards. We have also included 3 blank cards for any specific values that may arise but are not represented in the set.

The Values Cards Downloads are printable PDF versions of the Instruction Book. The Values Cards themselves and various support materials such as recording and scoring sheets are especially useful in group settings. 

The Downloads are available free to purchasers of The Values Cards.

Each set of The Values Cards includes:

  • 56 laminated Values Cards with rounded corners (card size: 68 x 96 mm)
  • 8 page fold out leaflet with special passkey to access The Values Cards Downloads free
  • Sturdy 2 piece laminated box (box size: 78 x 110 x 26mm)